

Either of two isomeric unsaturated cyclic compounds having the formula C6H4O2, found widely in plants, especially in a yellow crystalline form, and used in making dyes, tanning hides, and photography.


Any of various quinonoid compounds, often yellow to red in color, many of which have biological derivation or importance, such as coenzyme-Q.


The general name applied to all benzene derivatives in which two hydrogen atoms are replaced by two oxygen atoms.


Specifically, a compound obtained by distilling kinic acid with diluted sulphuric acid and peroxid of manganese, or by the oxidation of aniline with chromic acid.


A crystalline substance, C6H4O2 (called also benzoketone), first obtained by the oxidation of quinic acid and regarded as a double ketone; also, by extension, any one of the series of which quinone proper is the type.


any of a class of aromatic compounds having two carbonyl functional groups in the same six-membered ring


any of a class of aromatic yellow compounds including several that are biologically important as coenzymes or acceptors or vitamins; used in making dyes