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fable fabled fables fabliau fabliaux fabling fabric fabricate fabricated fabricates fabricating fabrication fabrications fabrics fabulist fabulists fabulous fabulously facade facades face facecloth facecloths faced faceless facelift facelifts facemask facemasks faceplate faceplates facer facers faces facet faceted facetiae facetious facets facia facial facials facias facies facile facilitate facilitated facilitates facilitating facilitation facilitator facilitators facilities facility facing facings facsimile facsimiles fact facticity faction factional factions factious factitious factitive factoid factorage factorages factored factorial factorials factories factoring factorize factorized factorizes factorizing factors factory factotum factotums facts factual factually facture facula faculae facultative faculties faculty fad faddier faddiest faddy fade faded fadeout fadeouts fader faders fades fadge fadges fading fado fados fads faecal faeces faerie faeries faery fag fagged fagging faggot faggoted faggoting faggots fagot fagoted fagoting fags faience failing failings faille failles failure failures faineant faineants faint fainted fainter faintest fainthearted fainting faints faired fairer fairest fairground fairgrounds fairing fairings fairlead fairleads fairly fairness fairs fairway fairways fairyland fairylands faith faithful faithfully faithfulness faithless faiths fajita fajitas fake faked fakeer fakeers faker fakers fakes faking fakir fakirs falafel falcate falchion falchions falciform falcon

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Friday, July 26th

"Pep in your step"

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"lucky _____"

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June 4th, 2024 Big Update February 28th, 2024 What has 13 hearts, but no lungs or stomach? January 23rd, 2024 What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? August 30th, 2023 What is full of holes but still holds water?