

A large room, such as a drawing room, used for receiving and entertaining guests.


A periodic gathering of people of social or intellectual distinction.


A hall or gallery for the exhibition of works of art.


A commercial establishment offering a product or service related to fashion.


An apartment for the reception of company; a saloon; hence, a fashionable gathering or assemblage.


Specifically, a periodical social gathering of men and women representative of the wit, fashion, literature, art, or politics of the time. The salon flourished principally in France during the eighteenth century.


An apartment for the reception of company; hence, in the plural, fashionable parties; circles of fashionable society.


An apartment for the reception and exhibition of works of art; hence, an annual exhibition of paintings, sculptures, etc., held in Paris by the Society of French Artists; — sometimes called the Old Salon. New Salon is a popular name for an annual exhibition of paintings, sculptures, etc., held in Paris at the Champs de Mars, by the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts (National Society of Fine Arts), a body of artists who, in 1890, seceded from the Société des Artistes Français (Society of French Artists).


a large room, especially one used to receive and entertain guests


a gathering of people for a social or intellectual meeting