
intransitive verb

To impose (oneself or one’s ideas) on others with undue insistence or without invitation.

intransitive verb

To thrust out; push forward.

intransitive verb

To impose oneself on others.

To thrust prominently forward; especially, to thrust forward with undue prominence or importunity, or without solicitation; force forward or upon any one: often reflexive: as, to obtrude one’s self or one’s opinions upon a person’s notice.

Synonyms Intrude, Obtrude. See intrude.

To be thrust or to thrust one’s self prominently into notice, especially in an unwelcome manner; intrude.

intransitive verb

To thrust one’s self upon a company or upon attention; to intrude.

transitive verb

To thrust impertinently; to present to a person without warrant or solicitation.

transitive verb

To offer with unreasonable importunity; to urge unduly or against the will.


thrust oneself in as if by force