
In phytogeography, in or relating to œcological zones or belts. See zonc, 8.

Having the character of a zone or belt.

Of or pertaining to the rings, somites, or body-segments of an articulate or annulose animal; arthromeric; metameric: as, zonal symmetry, the serial homology or metameric symmetry of a segmented animal, as an arthropod or an annelid. See symmetry, 5 .

In crystallography, arranged in zones: as, the zonal structure of a mineral.

In botany, noting that view of a diatom in which the zone or suture of the valves is presented to the eye—the “front view” of some writers.

In horticulture, marked on the leaves with a zone or circle, as many pelargoniums, also called horscshoe geraniums.


Of or pertaining to a zone; having the form of a zone or zones.


the mathematical relation which belongs to all the planes of a zone, and expresses their common position with reference to the axes.


a structure characterized by the arrangements of color, inclusions, etc., of a crystal in parallel or concentric layers, which usually follow the outline of the crystal, and mark the changes that have taken place during its growth.


See the Note under Symmetry.