

A small furrow, ridge, or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding, or shrinking.


A line or crease in the skin, as from age.


A different or unexpected development, action, or idea.


A problem or imperfection.

intransitive verb

To make wrinkles or a wrinkle in.

intransitive verb

To draw up into wrinkles; pucker.

intransitive verb

To form wrinkles.


A slight ridge in or raised line on a surface caused by contraction, folding, puckering, or rumpling; a line of corrugation, generally one of a series, either regularly or irregularly disposed; a crease: as, wrinkles in a garment, or in an old man’s face; wrinkles (small corrugations) in a rock.

To form wrinkles in: contract, fold, or pucker into small ridges and furrows or creases; corrugate; crease.

To become contracted into wrinkles; shrink into furrows and ridges; be marked with wrinkles.