

A strain of clear, rapidly uttered, gliding tones; a trilling, flexible melody; a carol; a song; any soft sweet flow of melodious sounds.

In falconry, to cross the wings upon the back.


A small, hard swelling on the back of a horse, produced by the galling of the saddle.


A tumor on the back of cattle or doer, produced by the larva of a bot-fly or gadfly.


An insect or its larva which produces warbles. Also warbeetle. Compare wabble.

To sing with trills and quavering, or melodious turns, as a bird; carol or sing with sweetly trilling notes.

To sound vibratingly, or with free, smooth, and rapid modulations of pitch; quaver.

To yodel.

To sing or utter with quavering trills or turns: as, to warble a song.

To describe or celebrate in song.