
transitive verb

To improve the strength, resiliency, and freedom from stickiness and odor of (rubber, for example) by combining with sulfur or other additives in the presence of heat and pressure.

To subject to the process of vulcanization, as caoutchouc

To admit of vulcanization.

Also spelled vulcanise.

transitive verb

To change the properties of, as caoutchouc, or India rubber, by the process of vulcanization.

transitive verb

paper, paper pulp, or other fiber, chemically treated, as with metallic chlorides, so as to form a substance resembling ebonite in texture, hardness, etc.

transitive verb

India rubber, vulcanized.


To treat rubber with heat and (usually) sulphur to harden it and make it more durable.


To desertify or create a xeric landscape


undergo vulcanization