

A small entrance hall or passage between the outer door and the interior of a house or building.


An enclosed area at the end of a passenger car on a railroad train.


A body cavity, chamber, or channel that leads to or is an entrance to another body cavity.


In Bryozoa of the suborder Cryptostomata, a tubular shaft which lies above and leads to the mouth of the zoœcium. This vestibule or vestibular shaft may be crossed by diaphragms or hemisepta and is surrounded by vesicular tissue or a solid calcareous deposit.


In car-building, a car-platform inclosed above and on two sides and connected by a bellows-like extension with the similarly inclosed platform of the next car. Each extension carries an iron doorframe called a face-plate. When two cars are coupled together the opposing face-plates are pressed together by springs, which at the same time allow them to slip over one another with the motion of the cars. The permanent structure of the vestibule includes doors on each side, at the steps, and hinged platforms to cover the steps when the doors are closed.


A passage, hall, or antechamber next the outer door of a house, from which doors open into the various inner rooms; a porch; a lobby; a hall; a narthex. See cuts under opisthodomus, porch, and pronaos.


In anatomy: A part of the labyrinth of the ear, the common or central cavity, between the semicircular canals and the cochlea, communicating permanently with the former, and temporarily or permanently with the latter, from the proper membranous cavity of which it is generally shut off subsequently, opening into the tympanum or middle ear by the fenestra ovalis, which, however, is closed in life by a membrane. See cuts under car and temporal.


A triangular space between the nymphæ or labia minora of the human female and some anthropoid apes, containing the orifice of the urethra, or meatus urinarius. More fully called vestibule of the vulva and vestibulum vaginæ.


A part of the left ventricular cavity of the heart, adjoining the root of the aorta.


In zoology: A depression of the body-wall of sundry infusorians, as Paramecium and Noctiluca, leading to the oral and sometimes also to the anal aperture, and thus connected, by means of an esophageal canal, with the endosarc. See Vorticella, Noctiluca, and cut under Paramecium.