

Of, characterized by, or containing cells or vessels that carry or circulate fluids, such as blood, lymph, or sap, through the body of an animal or plant.

In anatomy and zoology: Of or pertaining to vessels which convey fluids; of or pertaining to the conveyance or circulation of fluids, especially blood, lymph, and chyle; circulatory: as, the vascular system; a vascular function or action.

Containing vessels for the circulation of fluids; especially, well provided with small bloodvessels: as, muscle and bone are very vascular tissues; cartilage and cuticle are non-vascular; a vascular tumor.

In botany: Consisting of, relating to, or furnished with vessels or ducts: applied to the tissues of plants that are composed of or furnished with elongated cells or vessels for the circulation of sap.

Of or pertaining to the higher or phanerogamous plants, these uniformly containing more or less clearly defined vessels or duets.

See vasalium.

In botany, tissue composed of vessels or ducts; the fibrovascular system.

A tumor composed chiefly of an agglomeration of dilated terminal blood-vessels

A tumor which contains an abnormally large number of blood-vessels, bleeding profusely on the slightest injury.

Bleeding internal hemorrhoids.