

Differing from others of the same kind or from a standard.


Having or exhibiting variation; varying.


Something that differs from others of the same kind or from a standard, as a different spelling or pronunciation of a word.


In biology, a term introduced by Barrande to express a departure from the type of a species showing contemporaneous secondary modification of form and surface features, and contrasted with the variety, in which the principal characters of the species are retained accompanied by departures in one or more primary modifications. The distinction is obscure and has not been generally adopted.

Different; diverse; having a different form or character: as, a variant form or spelling of a word.

Variable; varying; changing; inconstant.

Unsettled; restless.


Something that is substantially the same, though in a different form; in ctym., a variant form or spelling of the same original word; in lit, a different reading or spelling.


Varying in form, character, or the like; variable; different; diverse.


Changeable; changing; fickle.