

A small, fleshy mass of tissue, especially that which hangs from the soft palate above the base of the tongue.


A small free conical body, projecting downward and backward from the middle of the pendulous margin of the soft palate, composed of the uvular muscles covered by mucous membrane. See cuts under tonsil and mouth.


A prominent section of the inferior vermiform process of the cerebellum, in advance of the pyramid, between the two lateral lobes known as the amygdalæ or tonsils: so called from being likened to the uvula of the palate.


A slight projection of mucous membrane from the bladder into the cystic orifice of the urethra; the uvula vesicæ luette vésicale, or uvula of the bladder.


The pendent fleshy lobe in the middle of the posterior border of the soft palate.


The fleshy appendage that hangs from the back of the palate, that closes the nasopharynx during swallowing.


a small pendant fleshy lobe at the back of the soft palate