

Being or having no beneficial use; ineffective: synonym: futile.


Having no purpose or reason; pointless; to no avail.


Incapable of acting or functioning effectively; ineffectual or inept.

Having no use; being of no use; unserviceable; usable to no good end; answering no valuable purpose; not advancing the end proposed; unprofitable; ineffectual.

Synonyms Useless, Fruitless, Ineffectual, Unavailing, bootless, profitless, unprofitable, valueless, worthless, futile, abortive. Useless often implies that the cause of failure lies in the situation; as, it is useless to try to mend that clock. Useless is the only one of these words that may thus be applied by anticipation to what might be attempted. That which is fruitless, ineffectual, or unavailing actually fails, and from hindrances external to itself. Unavailing is more likely to be used the fruitless or ineffectual where the failure is through some one’s unwillingness; as, unavailing prayers or petitions, ineffectual efforts, fruitless labors. Fruitless is stronger and more final than ineffectual or unavailing.


Having, or being of, no use; unserviceable; producing no good end; answering no valuable purpose; not advancing the end proposed; unprofitable; ineffectual.


Without use or possibility to be used.


Unhelpful, not useful; pointless (of an action).


good-for-nothing; not dependable.