

A swollen, fleshy, usually underground outgrowth of the stem or rhizome of a plant, such as the potato, bearing buds from which new plant shoots arise.


A similar outgrowth of a plant root.


A rounded projection or swelling; a tubercle.


In botany, a subterranean body, usually of an oblong or rounded form, consisting morphologically of a stolon-like branch of a rhizome, much thickened, commonly at the end, and beset with “eyes,” which are properly modified axillary buds.


A genus of subterranean discomycetous fungi, the truffles, having the peridium warty or tubercled, without definite base, the asci ovoid or globose, and one- to three- or (rarely) four-spored. About 50 species are known. T. æstivum is the common truffle. See truffle (with cut).


In pathol., anat., and zoology, some rounded swelling part; a tuberosity; a tubercle; a knot or swelling which is not the result of disease: used chiefly as a Latin word (with Latin plural tubera).


A fleshy, rounded stem or root, usually containing starchy matter, as the potato or arrowroot; a thickened root-stock. See Illust. of tuberous.


A genus of fungi. See truffle.