
intransitive verb

To grow vigorously; flourish.

intransitive verb

To be successful or make steady progress; prosper.

To prosper; flourish; be fortunate or successful.

To increase in goods and estate; grow rich or richer; keep on increasing one’s acquisitions.

To grow vigorously or luxuriantly; flourish.

intransitive verb

To prosper by industry, economy, and good management of property; to increase in goods and estate.

intransitive verb

To prosper in any business; to have increase or success.

intransitive verb

To increase in bulk or stature; to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, as a plant; to flourish.


To grow or increase stature; to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, to flourish.


To increase in wealth or success; to prosper, be profitable.