nounAny of various units of weight used in eastern Asia, roughly equivalent to 38 grams (1 1/3 ounces).
nounA unit of currency formerly used in China, equivalent in value to this weight of standard silver.
nounThe Chinese liang or ounce, equal to 1⅛ ounces avoirdupois. See
A liang or ounce of “sycee,” or fine uncoined silver: the unit of monetary reckoning in China.
nounA denomination of money, in China, worth nearly six shillings sterling, or about a dollar and forty cents; also, a weight of one ounce and a third.
nounAny of several units of measure used in China and elsewhere in eastern Asia, approximately 40 grams.
nounAny of several monetary units equal to the equivalent weight in
a unit of weight used in east Asia approximately equal to 1.3 ounces