nounA newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.
adjectiveIn summary form; condensed.
adjectiveLurid or sensational.
nounA tablet; a small troche, usually administered by the mouth, or, after solution, hypodermically.
nounA compressed portion of one or more drugs or chemicals, or of food, etc.
nouna newspaper with pages about half the size of a standard-sized newspaper, especially one that has relatively short or condensed articles and a large porortion of pictorial matter.
adjectiveCompressed or condensed, as into a tabloid; administrated in or as in tabloids, or small condensed bits.
adjectiveof or pertaining to a tabloid newspaper or the type of story typically contained in one, such as lurid or sensationalistic stories of scandal, crime, or violence.
In the format of a tabloid.