

A multinucleated mass of cytoplasm that is not separated into individual cells.


A multinucleate cell; a cell-aggregate; a single cell with two or more nuclei, resulting from the division of an originally single nucleus in the course of the growth of the cell, unaccompanied by any division of the cell-substance proper, or from the concrescence of a number of cells the protoplasm of which runs together, but the respective nuclei of which do not coalesce.


Tissue in which the cell or partition walls are wholly wanting and the cell bodies fused together, so that the tissue consists of a continuous mass of protoplasm in which nuclei are imbedded, as in ordinary striped muscle.


The ectoderm of a sponge.


A mass of cytoplasm containing many nuclei.


a mass of cytoplasm containing several nuclei and enclosed in a membrane but no internal cell boundaries (as in muscle fibers)