
transitive verb

To wrap, as in cloth.

transitive verb

To wrap (a baby) in swaddling clothes.

transitive verb

To wrap or bind in bandages; swathe.


A band or cloth used for swaddling.


A bandage or long strip of cloth used for wrapping a child, or for bandaging in any similar manner; a swaddling-band.

To bind with long and narrow bandages, or as if with bandages; swathe: said especially of young children, who are still bandaged in this manner in many parts of Europe to prevent them from using their limbs freely, owing to a fancy that those who are left free in infancy become deformed.

To beat; cudgel.

transitive verb

To bind as with a bandage; to bind or warp tightly with clothes; to swathe; — used esp. of infants.

transitive verb

To beat; to cudgel.


Anything used to swaddle with, as a cloth or band; a swaddling band.