

Having or showing rugged physical strength or robust health.


Substantially made or built; able to withstand stress or rough use.


Marked by resoluteness or determination; firm.

Obdurately set or determined; doggedly obstinate; stubborn; sulky: used of persons.

Having great force or endurance; strong in attack or resistance; vigorous; hardy; stout; lusty; robust: as, a sturdy opponent; sturdy pioneers; sturdy legs; a sturdy tree.

Firmly fixed or settled; resolute; unyielding; hard to overcome: used of things.

Synonyms Stout, Stalwart, etc. (see robust), brawny, sinewy, muscular, firm.


A disease of sheep caused by the presence in the brain of the eœenurus, or cystic larval form of the dog’s tapeworm, Tænia cœnurus.


A disease in sheep and cattle, marked by great nervousness, or by dullness and stupor.