nounA wrench having a hook, hole, or pin at the end for meshing with a related device on another object.
nounA wrench.
nounOne who or that which spans.
nounAn instrument for clasping and turning a nut on a screw, or for any similar purpose, as turning the wheel in cocking the old wheel-lock firearms, fastening and unfastening the couplings of fire-hose, etc.; a screw-key or screw-wrench. Spanners are made either with a hole to fit the shape of the nut, as square or hexagonal, or with movable jaws that can be tightened over a nut or a coupling of any shape.
nounA cross-brace.
nounIn the parallel motion of a marine steam-engine, a rod which connects the jointed rods with the radius-bar; also, in some of the earlier engines, the hand-bar or lever by which the valves were moved for the admission and shutting off of the steam.
nounA span-worm or looper.
nounOne who, or that which, spans.
nounThe lock of a fusee or carbine; also, the fusee or carbine itself.
nounAn iron instrument having a jaw to fit a nut or the head of a bolt, and used as a lever to turn it with; a wrench; specifically, a wrench for unscrewing or tightening the couplings of hose.