
intransitive verb

To weep aloud with convulsive gasping; cry uncontrollably. synonym: cry.

intransitive verb

To make a sound resembling that of loud weeping.

intransitive verb

To utter with sobs.

intransitive verb

To put or bring (oneself) into a specified condition by sobbing.


The act or sound of sobbing.


A convulsive heaving of the breast and inspiration of breath, under the impulse of painful emotion, and accompanied with weeping; a strong or convulsive sigh. It consists of a short, convulsive, somewhat noisy respiratory movement.


A sound resembling the sobbing of a human being.

To sigh strongly with a sudden heaving of the breast or a kind of convulsive motion; weep with convulsive catchings of the breath.

To make a sound resembling a sob.

To give forth or utter with sobs; particularly, to say with sobbing.