intransitive verbTo be very frugal and sparing.
Scanty; narrow; deficient; contracted.
nounA niggard; a pinching miser.
To pinch or scant; limit closely; be sparing in the food, clothes, money, etc., of; deal sparingly with; straiten.
To be sparing in; narrow, straiten, stint, or contract, especially through a niggard or sparing use or allowance of something; make too small, short, or scanty; limit: as, to
To be parsimonious or miserly: as, to save and scrimp.
adjectiveShort; scanty; curtailed.
transitive verbTo make too small or short; to limit or straiten; to put on short allowance; to scant; to contract; to shorten.
nounA pinching miser; a niggard.
nounA pinching