
intransitive verb

To burn superficially so as to discolor or damage the texture of. synonym: burn.

intransitive verb

To dry out or wither with intense heat.

intransitive verb

To destroy (land and buildings) by fire or military action so as to leave nothing salvageable to an enemy army.

intransitive verb

To subject to severe censure; excoriate.

intransitive verb

To become scorched or singed.

intransitive verb

To go or move at a very fast, often excessively fast rate.


A slight or surface burn.


Brown spotting on plant leaves caused by pathogens, heat, or lack of water.

To ride very fast on a bicycle or in a motor-car.

To burn superficially; subject to a degree of heat that changes the color, or both the color and the texture, of the surface; parch or shrivel up the surface of by heat; singe.