adjectiveOf, relating to, or employing the methodology of science.
Concerned with the acquisition of accurate and systematic knowledge of principles by observation and deduction: as, scientific investigation.
Of or pertaining to, treating of, or used in science: as, scientific works; scientific instruments; scientific nomenclature.
Versed in science; guided by the principles of science, and not by empiricism or mere quackery; hence, learned; skilful: as, a scientific physician.
According to the rules or principles of science; hence, systematic; accurate; nice: as, a scientific arrangement of fossils.
adjectiveOf or pertaining to science; used in science.
adjectiveAgreeing with, or depending on, the rules or principles of science.
adjectiveHaving a knowledge of science, or of a science; evincing science or systematic knowledge.
adjectivethe method employed in exact science and consisting of: (a) Careful and abundant observation and experiment. (b) generalization of the results into formulated “Laws” and statements.
adjectiveOf, or having to do with