

A polite expression of greeting or goodwill.


Greetings indicating respect and affection; regards.


A gesture of greeting, such as a bow or kiss.


A word or phrase of greeting used to begin a letter or message.


The act of saluting or greeting, or of paying respect or reverence by customary words or actions or forms of address; also, that which is spoken, written, or done in the act of saluting or greeting.


Quickening; excitement; stimulus.


Synonyms Greeting, Salutation, Salute. A greeting generally expresses a person’s sense of pleasure or good wishes upon meeting another. Salutation and salute are by derivation a wishing of health, and are still modified by that idea. A salutation is personal, a salute official or formal; salutation suggests the act of the person saluting, salute is the thing done; a salutation is generally in words, a salute may be by cheers, the dipping of colors, the roll of drums, the firing of cannon, etc.


The act of saluting, or paying respect or reverence, by the customary words or actions; the act of greeting, or expressing good will or courtesy; also, that which is uttered or done in saluting or greeting.


A greeting, salute, or address; a hello.