
intransitive verb

To live in a place permanently or for an extended period.

intransitive verb

To be inherently present; exist.

intransitive verb

To be vested, as a power or right.

intransitive verb

To be located or stored.

To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; have a settled abode for a time, or a dwelling or home; specifically, to be in official residence (said of holders of benefices, etc.).

To abide or be inherent in, as a quality; inhere.

To sink to the bottom, as of liquids; settle; subside, in general.

Synonyms Sojourn, Continue, etc. (see abide), be domiciled, be domiciliated, make a home.

intransitive verb

To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; to have a settled abode for a time; to abide continuosly; to have one’s domicile of home; to remain for a long time.

intransitive verb

To have a seat or fixed position; to inhere; to lie or be as in attribute or element.