nounA reciprocal condition or relationship.
nounA mutual or cooperative interchange of favors or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of trade between nations.
nounReciprocal action or relation; free interchange; mutual responsiveness in act or effect: as, reciprocity of benefits or of feeling; reciprocity of influence.
nounEquality of commercial privileges between the subjects of different, governments in each other’s ports, with respect to shipping or merchandise, to the extent established by treaty.
nounIn the Kantian philosophy, mutual action and reaction in the strict, mechanical sense.
nounIn geom., the mutual relationship between points and straight lines in a plane, or points and planes in space, etc.; duality.
nounthe proposition that the number of invariants of the nth order in the coefficients possessed by a binary quautic of the pth degree is equal to the number of invariants of the order p in the coefficients possessed by a quantic of the nth degree.
nounSynonyms Exchange, interchange, reciprocation.
nounMutual action and reaction.
nounReciprocal advantages, obligations, or rights; reciprocation.