

The act of flying back on collision with another body; a bounding back or in reverse; resilience; recoil; reëcho; reverberation.

To bound or spring back; fly back from force of impact, as an elastic or free-moving body striking against a solid substance.

To bound or bounce again; repeat a bound or spring; make repeated bounds or springs.

To fall back; recoil, as to a starting-point or a former state; return as with a spring.

To send sounds back and forth; reverberate; resound; reëcho.

Synonyms Rebound, Reverberate, Recoil. Rebound and reverberate apply to that which strikes an unyielding object and bounds back or away; recoil applies to that which springs back from a position of rest, as a cannon or rifle when discharged, or a man and a rattlesnake when they discover their proximity to each other. Reverberate, by onomatopœia, applies chiefly to heavy sounds, but has other special uses (see the word); it has no figurative extension. Recoil is most freely used in figure: as, a man’s treachery recoils upon himself; in sudden fright the blood recoils upon the heart.

To throw or drive back, as sound; make an echo or reverberation of; repeat as an echo or echoes.

transitive verb

To send back; to reverberate.

intransitive verb

To spring back; to start back; to be sent back or reverberated by elastic force on collision with another body.

intransitive verb

To give back an echo.