
Really; truly; very; quite.


The big-eyed herring, or saury, Elops sauras.


A subsidiary silver coin and money of account in Spain and Spanish-American countries.


The current real of Spain (real de vellon) is one quarter of the peseta or franc, and worth about 5 United States cents. The Mexican real, corresponding to the old Spanish real de plata, is one eighth of a dollar (Mexican peso), and reckoned at 12Β½ cents The latter coin, both Spanish and Mexican, circulated largely in the United States down to about 1850, being called a Spanish or Mexican shilling in New York, a levy (see levy, 1) in the South, etc.

In mathematics, involving no unit for number but the primitive unit, 1.

In geometry, appearing in a finite figure. For instance, any two coplanar circles oC and oA are said to intersect, but their intersection-points are real only if .

In optics, opposed to virtual: as, a real image, one formed by the actual convergence of waves brought to a focus by an optical system, as distinguished from the virtual image formed where the geometrical extensions of a group of rays meet.


In mathematics, a real number.

Royal; regal; royally excellent or splendid.

Actual; genuine; true; authentic; not imaginary, artificial, counterfeit, or factitious: as, real lace.