

One who follows reason and not, authority in thought or speculation; a believer in the supremacy of reason over prescription or precedent.


In theology, one who applies rational criticism to the claims of supernatural authority or revelation; specifically, one of a school or party, originating in Germany in the eighteenth century, who maintain as an ultimate conclusion that the human reason is of itself, and unaided by special divine inspiration, adequate to ascertain all attainable truth, and who accordingly, in interpretation of the Scripture, regards it as only an illustration and affirmation, not as a divine revelation, of truth. See rationalism, 2 .


A believer in metaphysical rationalism.


One who accepts rationalism as a theory or system; also, disparagingly, a false reasoner. See Citation under reasonist.


A person who follows the philosophy of rationalism.


someone who emphasizes observable facts and excludes metaphysical speculation about origins or ultimate causes


of or relating to or characteristic of rationalism