nounRelation in degree or number between two similar things.
nounThe relative value of silver and gold in a currency system that is bimetallic.
nounA relationship between two quantities, normally expressed as the quotient of one divided by the other; for example, the ratio of 7 to 4 can be written 7:4 or 7/4. A ratio can often also be expressed as a decimal or percentage.
nounThe relation between two similar magnitudes in respect to quantity; the relation between two similar quantities in respect to how many times one makes so many times the other.
nounProportion of relations or conditions; coincident agreement or variation; correspondence in rate; equivalence of relative movement or change.
nounReason; cause: often used as a Latin word in current Latin phrases.
nounIn musical acoustics, the relation between the vibration-numbers of two tones. It is the physical or mathematical representation of the interval between them.
nounIn civil law. an account; a cause, or the giving of judgment therein.
nounLoosely, a direct and simple ratio: as, the weights of bodies are in the direct ratio of their masses—that is, the weight of one is to that of another as the mass of the former is to that of the latter. Also