

A development or consequence growing out of and sometimes complicating a problem, plan, or statement.


The act or process of branching out or dividing into branches.


A subordinate part extending from a main body; a branch.


An arrangement of branches or branching parts.


The act or process of ramifying, or the state of being ramified; a branching out; division into branches, or into divergent lines, courses, or parts, as of trees or plants, blood-vessels, a mountain-chain, a topic or subject, etc.


The manner or result of ramifying or branching; that which is ramified or divided into branches; a set of branches: as, the ramification of a coral; the ramifications of an artery or a nerve; the ramifications of the capillaries, or of nerves in an insect’s wing. See cuts under Dendrocæla and embryology


In botany, the branching, or the manner of branching, of stems and roots.


One of the branches or divergent lines or parts into which anything is divided; a division or subdivision springing or derived from a main stem or source: as, the ramifications of a conspiracy; to pursue a subjeet in all its ramifications.


The production of figures resembling branches.