
intransitive verb

To move about aimlessly: synonym: wander.

intransitive verb

To walk casually or leisurely.

intransitive verb

To follow an irregularly winding course of motion or growth.

intransitive verb

To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

intransitive verb

To move about aimlessly through or over.


A leisurely, sometimes lengthy walk.


A roving or wandering movement; a going or turning about irregularly or indefinitely; especially, a leisurely or sauntering walk in varying directions.


A place to ramble in; a mazy walk or tract.


In coal-mining, thin shaly beds of stone, taken down with the coal, above which a good roof may be met with.

To roam or wander about in a leisurely manner; go from point to point carelessly or irregularly; rove: as, to ramble about the eity or over the country.