
To make a rattling or clattering noise; raise a tumult; move noisily.

To engage or take part in a racket of any kind; frequent noisy or tumultuous scenes; carry on eager or energetic action of some special kind.

To be dissipated; indulge to excess in social pleasures.

To utter noisily or tumultuously; clamor out.


A disorderly, confusing noise, as of commingled play or strife and loud talk; any prolonged clatter; din; clamor; hurly-burly.


A disturbance; a row; also, a noisy gathering; a scene of clamorous or eager merriment.


A clamorous outburst, as of indignation or other emotion; a noisy manifestation of feeling: as, to make a racket about a trifle; to raise a racket about one’s ears.


Something going on, whether noisily and openly or quietly; a special proceeding, scheme, project, or the like: a slang use of very wide application: as, what’s the racket? (what is going on?); to go on a racket (to engage in a lark or go on a spree); to be on to a person’s racket (to detect his secret aim or purpose); to work the racket (to carry on a particular scheme or undertaking, especially one of a “shady” character); to stand the racket (to take the consequences, or abide the result).


A smart stroke; a rap.


Hustle; the quality of ‘getting there.’