

A set of 24 or sometimes 25 sheets of paper of the same size and stock; one twentieth of a ream.


A collection of leaves of parchment or paper, folded one within the other, in a manuscript or book.

To sing in concert or chorus; chant or sing harmoniously.

To harmonize.

To fold in quires, or with marks between quires.

An obsolete form of queer.

To nest within a once-folded outer sheet (one or more sheets of paper of the same size similarly folded); impose and print (separate pages of type) so that they can be properly outsetted or insetted in consecutive order.


A set of four sheets of parchment or paper folded so as to make eight leaves: the ordinary unit of construction for early manuscripts and books.


A set of one of each of the sheets of a book laid in consecutive order, ready for folding.