

Any of several tropical American birds of the genera Pharomachrus and Euptilotis having brilliant bronze-green and red plumage and, in the male, long flowing tail feathers, especially P. mocinno of Central America.


The paradise-trogon, Pharomacrus mocinno (or Calurus elegans), the most magnificent of the trogons, of a golden-green and carmine color, with long airy upper tail-coverts projecting like sprays a foot or two beyond the tail. It inhabits Central America, especially Costa Rica. See cut under trogon. Also quesal, quijal.


A trogon of the genus Pharomacrus, especially the resplendent quetzal Pharomacrus mocinno, with very long tail feathers, found in Guatemala and Costa Rica.


A monetary unit used in Guatemala, equal to 100 centavos.


the basic unit of money in Guatemala; equal to 100 centavos


large trogon of Central America and South America having golden-green and scarlet plumage