

Having the appropriate qualifications for an office, position, or task.


Limited, restricted, or modified.

Prefixed by a qualifying adjective; in a slang use, damned.

Having a qualification; fitted by accomplishments or endowments; furnished with legal power or capacity: as, a person qualified to hold an appointment; a qualified elector.

Affected by some degree of negation, limitation, or modification; modified: limited; restricted: as, a qualified statement; qualified admiration.

Eccles., noting a person enabled to hold two benefices.


Fitted by accomplishments or endowments.


Modified; limited.


a base fee, or an estate which has a qualification annexed to it, the fee ceasing with the qualification, as a grant to A and his heirs, tenants of the manor of Dale.


an indorsement which modifies the liability of the indorser that would result from the general principles of law, but does not affect the negotiability of the instrument.