nounA small inflamed elevation of the skin that is filled with pus; a pimple.
nounA small swelling similar to a blister or pimple.
nounSomething likened to an inflamed, pus-filled lesion.
nounOne of the swellings produced in the leaves and stems of plants by Cystopus, Synchytrium, and other fungi.
nounIn medicine, a small inflammatory tumor containing pus; a small pimple containing pus.
nounIn botany, a slight elevation like a pimple or little blister.
nounIn zoology: A small rounded elevation of surface, like a blister; a papule or pimple.
nounA spot of color larger than a dot, and suggestive of a blister.
nounA vesicle or an elevation of the cuticle with an inflamed base, containing pus.
nounSee under