

Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.


Lacking standards of selection; acting without careful judgment; indiscriminate.


Showing little forethought or critical judgment; casual.


Consisting of diverse, unrelated parts or individuals; confused.

Consisting of parts or individuals grouped together without order; mingled indiscriminately; confused.

Forming part of a mingled or confused crowd or mass.

Distributed or applied without order or discrimination; common; indiscriminate; not restricted to one individual: as, promiscuous sexual intercourse.

Casual; accidental.

Synonyms Promiscuous, Miscellaneous. Promiscuous emphasizes the complete lack of arrangement; miscellaneous the throwing together of different kinds. Hence we speak of promiscuous, but not of miscellaneous, confusion; of miscellaneous, not promiscuous, articles in a magazine. A work-bag contains a miscellaneous collection of things, which should never be allowed to become promiscuous.