

A thin layer of metal, such as gold or silver, deposited on or applied to a surface.


A coating of metal sheets or plates.


The art or operation of covering articles with a thin coating or film of metal, especially of overlaying articles made of the baser metals with a thin coating of gold, silver, or nickel.


A thin coating of one metal laid upon another.


In bacterial., the pouring of liquefied gelatin or agar-agar containing a mixed culture of bacteria upon a glass plate or into a Petri dish, where the medium hardens and thus permits the isolation of specific organisms. Also plating-out.


In iron ship-building, the plates, collectively, arranged in strakes covering any part: as, side-plating, the plates forming the outer skin of the vessel above the turn of the bilge; bottom-plating, the plates forming the outer bottom of a vessel below the turn of the bilge; deck-plating, the covering of the deck-beams, etc.


The art or process of covering anything with a plate or plates, or with metal, particularly of overlaying a base or dull metal with a thin plate of precious or bright metal, as by mechanical means or by electro-magnetic deposition.


A thin coating of metal laid upon another metal.


A coating or defensive armor of metal (usually steel) plates.


Present participle of plate.