

An apartment or dwelling situated on the roof of a building.


A residence, often with a terrace, on the top floor or floors of a building.


A structure housing machinery on the roof of a building.


A shed or sloping roof attached to the side of a building or wall.


The sloping roof that rises from the inner wall to the outer wall surrounding three sides of the court in court tennis, off which the ball is served.


A shed or sloping roof projecting from a main wall or the side or end of a building, and sometimes constructed over a door or window to protect it from the weather; an appentice. See also cut under appentice.


Anything resembling a penthouse, or occupying the same relative position with regard to something else.

To provide with a penthouse or sloping roof; shelter or protect by means of a shed sloping from the wall, or of something resembling it.


In artillery, a frame structure sometimes used to protect a sea-coast gun-carriage from continuous severe weather: so made that it can quickly be put in place or removed.