

A work or style produced by borrowing fragments, ingredients, or motifs from various sources; a potpourri.


A medley; a hotchpotch; a farrago; specifically, in music, an opera, cantata, or similar work made up of detached numbers from various works, even by different authors, but arranged as if intended to form a continuous dramatic work, a special libretto being usually written for the music; a medley, olio, ballad-opera, etc.


In painting, a picture painted in direct imitation of the style and manner of some other than the artist; also, such an imitation of style.


In decorative art, a copy of any design modified by the material or the purpose of the copy.


A medley; an olio.


A work of art imitating directly the work of another artist, or of more artists than one.


A falsified work of art, as a vase or statue made up of parts of original works, with missing parts supplied.