

Of, relating to, or corresponding to the palm of the hand or an animal’s paw.

Pertaining or relating to the palma or palm of the hand, or to the corresponding part of the fore foot of a quadruped.

Superfical; the continuation of the ulnar artery in the palm, forming an arch opposite the anterior border of the thumb, convex distally. It gives off the digital arteries.

Deep: a somewhat specialized sheet of fascia into which the tendon of the palmaris longus expands in the palm, continuous with the fascial sheaths of the fingers, confining the subjacent muscles, etc. and serving as a flexor tendon. See cuts under muscle.


An anatomical structure, as a muscle, contained in or connected with the palm: as, the long and short palmars. See palmaris.


In zoology, one of the joints or ossicles of the branches of a crinoid which succeed the brachials; one of the joints of the fourth order, or of a division of the brachials; a palmare.


In the crinoids, according to both Carpenter’s and Wachmuth and Springer’s terminology, one of the plates of the arms or brachia which are of the third order of branching, situated beyond the distichal and within the postpalmars. They are the same as the third brachials in Bather’s terminology.


Pertaining to, or corresponding with, the palm of the hand.


Of or pertaining to the under side of the wings of birds.


Of or pertaining to the palm of the hand or comparable appendage