

Either of two nocturnal burrowing rodents of the genus Cuniculus of South and Central America, C. paca, found in lowland forested regions, or C. taczanowskii, found at higher elevations.


The spotted cavy, Cœlogenys paca, a large hystricomorphic rodent quadruped of the family Dasyproctidæ, inhabiting South America and Central America.


[capitalized] Same as Cœlogenys.


A large burrowing South American rodent (Agouti paca syn. Cuniculus paca, formerly Cœlogenys paca), having blackish brown fur, with four parallel rows of white spots along its sides; the spotted cavy. It is closely allied to the agouti and the Guinea pig and is highly esteemed as food.


A large rodent, with dark brown or black fur, a white or yellowish underbelly and rows of white spots along its sides, native to Central America and South America.


large burrowing rodent of South America and Central America; highly esteemed as food