

The act of occulting or the state of being occulted.


The passage of a celestial body across the line of sight between an observer and another celestial object, as when the moon moves between Earth and the sun in a solar eclipse.


The progressive blocking and unblocking of light or other electromagnetic radiation from a celestial source during such a passage.


An observational technique for determining the position or radiant structure of a celestial source undergoing such occultation or of the object causing the occultation.


The temporary, supernatural removal of a holy person from visible existence, as Shiites believe is the case with the 12th imam.


The act of hiding or concealing, or the state of being hidden or concealed; especially, the hiding of one body from sight by another; specifically, in astronomy, the hiding of a star or planet from sight by its passing behind some other of the heavenly bodies. It is particularly applied to the eclipse of a fixed star by the moon.


Figuratively, disappearance from view; withdrawal from notice.


The hiding of a heavenly body from sight by the intervention of some other of the heavenly bodies; — applied especially to eclipses of stars and planets by the moon, and to the eclipses of satellites of planets by their primaries.


The state of being occult.