adjectiveOf, containing, or being a notion; mental or imaginary.
adjectiveSpeculative or theoretical.
adjectiveUnderstood in terms of semantic content rather than grammatical structure. The word did is notional in We did the work and relational in We did not agree.
adjectiveOf or relating to the underlying asset or principal of a financial derivative such as a swap contract.
Pertaining to or expressing a notion or general conception; formed by abstraction and generalization; also, produced by metaphysical or logical reflection.
Imaginary; ideal; existing in idea only; visionary; fantastical.
Dealing in imaginary things; whimsical; fanciful: as, a notional man.
adjectiveConsisting of, or conveying, notions or ideas; expressing abstract conceptions.
adjectiveExisting in idea only; visionary; whimsical.
adjectiveGiven to foolish or visionary expectations; whimsical; fanciful.