nounA dunce or fool; a simpleton.
nounAny of several terns of the genera Anous and Procelsterna, found in tropical waters and usually having dark brown or black plumage with a white or gray head.
To make a fool of.
nounA device designed to show the oscillation of the support of a pendulum.
nounA simpleton; a fool.
nounA large dark-colored tern or sea-swallow of the subfamily Sterninæ and the group Anoëæ or genus Anoüs, found on most tropical and warm-temperate sea-coasts: so called from their apparent stupidity.
nounThe murre, Lomvia troile.
nounThe ruddy duck, Erismatura rubida.
nounAn old game of cards, supposed to have been played like cribbage.
nounThe knave in this game.