

A disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland in adults and characterized by dry skin, swellings around the lips and nose, mental deterioration, and a subnormal basal metabolic rate.


A disease having the following characters:


It has been found that this affection is usually entirely amenable to treatment by extracts and other preparations made from the thyroid gland (throat-sweetbread) of the sheep. The same treatment is often of great value in cretinism, which is regarded as a congenital form of myxedema. The use of preparations of the thyroid gland to supply a deficiency of the secretion of this gland, which is the underlying defect in myxedema and cretinism, affords one of the most brilliant examples of successful organotherapy.


A pathological condition due to severe hyperthyroidism, marked by dry skin and swellings around lips and nose as well as mental and physical deterioration.


A disease producing a peculiar cretinoid appearance of the face, slow speech, and dullness of intellect, and due to failure of the functions of the thyroid gland.


A form of cutaneous and dermal edema that is secondary to increased deposition of connective tissue components in subcutaneous tissue.


hypothyroidism marked by dry skin and swellings around lips and nose as well as mental deterioration