

Of, relating to, or consisting of muscle.


Having well-developed muscles.


Having or suggesting great forcefulness, especially at the expense of subtlety.

Of or pertaining in any way to muscle or muscles; composing, constituting, or consisting of muscle: as, the muscular system; muscular origin or insertion; muscular fiber or tissue.

Done by or dependent upon muscle or muscles: as, muscular action; muscular movement; muscular strength.

Well-muscled; having well-developed muscles; strong; sinewy; brawny: as, a muscular man.

Figuratively, strong and vigorous.

One of the fibers of which muscular tissue is ultimately composed.

Synonyms Sinewy, stalwart, sturdy, lusty, vigorous, powerful.


Of or pertaining to a muscle, or to a system of muscles; consisting of, or constituting, a muscle or muscles.